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2024-07-05 化工产品网

聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Poly(methyl methacrylate)或PMMA)是一种常见的有机聚合物,广泛应用于医疗、建筑、汽车和电子等领域。下面是PMMA的MSDS英文版:

Material Safety Data Sheet

Poly(methyl methacrylate)

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Poly(methyl methacrylate)

Synonyms: PMMA, Acrylic, Plexiglass

Chemical Formula: (C5O2H8)n

Company Identification: ABC Chemicals, Inc.

Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA

Emergency Telephone Number: 1-800-123-4567

Section 2: Composition/Information on Ingredients

Ingredient Name: Poly(methyl methacrylate)

CAS Number: 9011-14-7

Percent by Weight: 100%

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview: PMMA is a solid, colorless, odorless material. It poses no immediate health hazard.

Potential Health Effects:

Inhalation: Dust or fumes may cause irritation to the respiratory tract.

Skin Contact: May cause skin irritation.

Eye Contact: May cause eye irritation.

Ingestion: Not applicable.

Chronic Effects: Prolonged exposure to dust may cause lung damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Move to fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention.

Eye Contact: Flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.

Ingestion: Not applicable.

Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures

Flash Point: Not applicable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.

Extinguishing Media: Use water, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.

Special Fire Fighting Procedures: None.

Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Spill or Leak Procedures: Sweep up or vacuum up spilled material. Place in a closed container for disposal.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Handling Procedures: Avoid inhalation of dust. Avoid skin and eye contact. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.

Storage Procedures: Store in a cool, dry place. Keep container tightly closed.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls: Use local exhaust ventilation to control dust.

Personal Protective Equipment: Use gloves, safety glasses and a dust mask when handling.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: Solid, colorless, odorless material.

Odor: None.

Solubility in Water: Insoluble.

Melting Point: 160-220°C.

Boiling Point: Not applicable.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Stable.

Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.

Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizing agents.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Acute Effects: Dust or fumes may cause irritation to the respiratory tract. May cause skin and eye irritation.

Chronic Effects: Prolonged exposure to dust may cause lung damage.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: No data available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.

Section 14: Transportation Information

DOT Hazard Class: Not regulated.

Section 15: Regulatory Information

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed.

Section 16: Other Information

Disclaimer: This MSDS is intended to provide a brief summary of our knowledge and guidance regarding the use of this material. It is not intended to be a comprehensive reference. The user should consult the full MSDS prior to use.

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